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Professional Accomplishments

Through boundless curiosity and passion, I have pursued by dreams!

I love to volunteer and worked with a few organizations starting in 2019. One volunteer opportunity led me to another until I found the NASA Solar System Ambassador Program at the end of 2019. I was accepted and began in 2020. It is focused on public outreach and education and I started with virtual events for the Maricopa Public Library before switching to in-person events in 2021. I have now completed over 50 outreach events and cannot wait to do more! Along the way I picked up many astronomy hobbies! My current favorite is processing images from the Hubble Space Telescope and using them for educational outreach. I am also learning Python to further my image processing skills and prepare me for my future career!

I have a bachelors in biology and also worked in the microbiology labs at ASU for three years. I graduated in 2015 and got a job not long after working in the blood banking industry. I then transferred to the clinical lab industry and work in a cellular therapy lab. I am currently working on a certifications for Adobe Graphics and have begun taking classes to pursue a degree in Data Science at ASU. I am looking forward to see where all of these awesome classes and the knowledge that I am learning take me!

Experience- STEM Outreach and Workforce Development

NASA Solar System Ambassador

January 2020- present

I volunteer for NASA JPL as a Solar System Ambassador. I do outreach events for libraries, schools, and more! I have given over 50 presentations since I began and do live and online events. I have learned so much by volunteering as a Solar System Ambassador and absolutely love the audiences I get to connect with! Check out some of the cool activities we have done below!

Planetary ReaCH Workshop

April 6-9, 2020

I participated in this amazing workshop that taught culturally inclusive techniques for public outreach. With a mix of formal educators, informaul educators, and planetary scientists, the aim of this workshop was to work on identifying and mitigating barriers when working with minority communities, with emphasis on black and latinx communities.

NASA L'SPACE Mission Concept Academy

January 2022-April 2022

I participated in the NASA L'SPACE Mission Concept Academy from January through April 2022. I earned a certificate of completion at the end. This course taught NASA mission concepts where myself and a team created a preliminary design review report by the end of the course. 


  • Certificate, Maricopa Community College: Adobe Foundations: Animation and Graphics Production - earned May 2022
  • Codecademy: Learn How to Code- earned March 2022
  • Codecademy: Code Foundations Skill Path- earned March 2022
  • ProValens: Foundations of Interpretation- earned July 2021
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